Monday 28 October 2013

6 Month Update

My baby was 6 months old on Saturday.  As I always say...where has the time gone?? This month we've seen a massive stride in milestones and developments - it's truely amazing to watch.

We're getting through one last pack of the size 2 nappies before moving onto size 3. Rather guiltily I haven't had her weighted for over a month and a half so have no idea of her weight/what size nappies seem appropriate. It amazes me how relaxed I've been this time round regarding this. With Eoin, who had weight issues from birth, I was getting him weighed every other week. But with Luna...not so much. I just really don't have the time with 2 little people to look after!

Luna's still in a lot 3-6 months clothes (with a few 0-3 from Next still floating about!), but I've had a big sort out the last week or so and moved some 6-9 clothes into her wardrobe. I haven't tried any of them on her yet, but I'm determined she'll get a decent wear out of them.

The biggest development we've seen this month is that Luna has finally mastered the art of sitting up by herself! For a few days last week she was sitting up briefly on the sofa then falling to the side, but since then she's easily grasped how to sit up for a good while. It's great because she can now sit with Eoin on the floor and watch him play (and eye up the Lego!).

It's so lovely to see the relationship develop between E and L. Genuine love. It was Eoin's parent evening at school this week, and the teacher even mentioned how much he loves Luna. Whenever she sees him on a morning her face lights up. He's the only one who can make her laugh and giggle for more than 2 seconds (she has a habit of laughing once and then stopping). She follows him with her eyes around the room. And all Eoin wants to do is give her hugs. It's just...lovely.

Other developments include introducing new flavours. Now she's 6 months, I'm hoping Luna can start enjoying food a bit more. Banana is still a firm favourite, but she also likes (of what we've tried) apples, plums and (as a special treat yesterday) Heinz chocolate pudding. She wolfed that down, haha. She's also had a good suck on various biscuits! She doesn't like carrots or butternut squash.

Big steps this month! And there's only one way to go now...crawling!!

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