Monday 26 August 2013

4 months today!

I can't believe Luna is already 4 months old - really, where has the time gone? One of the reasons I set this blog up (well, the only reason really) was to document her progress over the next year or so. I know from having Eoin that children change so much in the first few years, and I really don't want to miss anything.

This month I have started to see some big changes to Luna's character - she's started to reach out for things, and she loves grasping her muslin cloths and putting them in her mouth! She's also started to really enjoy her jungle mat, before I would put her on it and she would cry and cry. Now, she's actually watching the lights and loves kicking her legs. Quite often you put her in one position on the mat, and 5 minutes later she's done a 180. Haha.

She's still in size 2 nappies and her 0-3 months clothes. Just! However, the 3-6 month sleepsuits absolutely swamp her. People always comment on how small she is still (she gets called 'Dolly' quite a lot), but her legs are huge. Proper chubby baby legs. Eoin was a skinny tiny baby and never had baby fat (he still doesn't, he has sparrow legs), so having a proper chubby baby is great.

Her hair has also started to grow! She's got quite a lot at the back, but none at the front at all. We still haven't worked out what colouring she's going to have. I think she'll be darker than her blue eyed, blonde brother though. Her eyes are also getting paler, and slightly greyer.

I hate how quickly this first year goes!

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