Wednesday 7 August 2013

Wednesday Weightloss 101

I'm a new mum, and I also have a 3 year old son. I think like most women I can safely say that I've put on weight over the last 4 years. In fact, I would roughly say it's been a stone a year. Not good. I remember the good old days before I had children when I use to go for a run every other day (I even did the Manchester 10k) and have a perfect flat stomach. Not anymore.

Granted I'd rather have my saggy belly, stretch marks and my two children than without (although I even have stretch marks on the backs of my knees - HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!) but I would love to try and regain a small part of the old me.

I've never dieted in my life. At 5ft 8, and pretty active I never needed to. I would eat a lot of rubbish (hello chocolate my old friend), and I think the only vegetable I would ever eat was broccoli. However, I've been trying to east more healthily and in the past 3 weeks I've lost 7lb, and can finally fit back into all my old clothes. Just from not eating chocolate.

I'm hoping that by maybe incorporating a few more vegetables and a few less carbs I can keep this up and maybe get back to my pre-Eoin weight of 11 stone (which is pretty spot on for my height). I've been avidly using the Myfitnesspal app on my iPad to keep track of my general food intake (where I realised I was eating waaaay too much pasta/rice/chips), and so far it seems to be working.

I'd love to here from other people like myself who are trying to lose the baby weight, and maybe find some tips to help me stay on track. It's going to be a long slog, but I'd love to here from others, and hopefully I keep updating with my progress!

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